Trying to run Tomcat 4.0.3 with APcahe 1.3 on a lInux box (RH7.2).

Can't seem to get the mod_jk.conf file generated.  If I add the directive:

   <Listener className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.ApacheConfig"
      modJk="/usr/local/apache/libexec/" jkDebug="info"
      jkLog="/var/tomcat4/logs/mod_jk.log" debug="1"/>

 right after the Server def, the following msg appears in catalina.out:

Unable to open config file
Starting service Tomcat-Apache
Apache Tomcat/4.0.3

ls -l /var/tomcat4/conf/jk/ shows the file exists.

Any help appreciated!


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