Having the PID doesn't tell you anything about whether or not the process is
capable of serving requests.

For that, you will have to create a script and run it in a cron job that
makes a request to tomcat every so often (every minute?) and checks to see
if a valid response was received.  If not, restart tomcat using the PID.

There are any number of monitoring programs out there, UN*X-based or
Windows, that, given a URL, can determine if a valid response was received.

I usually create a small servlet that does nothing but output a string that
says "I'm OK" or something similar.  Then the monitoring script looks for
that text string in the reply, and behaves accordingly.

John Turner

-----Original Message-----
From: Laura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 11:49 AM
Subject: Tomcat PID: alive or not

Hi all,

well with a Perl script I have found the PID Tomcat and I write it in a 
tomcat.pid file.
With this PID how can I know if Tomcat is alive or not in a script?

My purpose is to check if Tomcat is alive and if not I restart Tomcat. 

The problem is that with PID Tomcat I don't know how to check if Tomcat is 

Can you help me?

Thanks for your help


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