That was a very funny eMail...please keep on sending

--- savimbi thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear sir , 
> My name is Thomas Savimbi, I am the eldest son of
> Jonas Savimbi, 
> the leader UNITA of Angola. You may know that my
> father was recently 
> killed in a battle with the federal troops of
> Angola, led by President 
> Dos Santos, who has been my late father's rival for
> years. Now the 
> liberation of Angola, for which my father has been
> fighting for since 1966 has no future. 
> President Dos Santos, remains a colossal failure
> since he assumed 
> office. He is running a government of greed and
> gross marginalisation. 
> The United States of America, the United Kingdom and
> other Western 
> powers, are aware of this glaring fact, and have
> done nothing about 
> it. It is most unfortunate and disheartening that my
> father has died. 
> Now UNITA is like a herd of cattle without shepherd.
> Prominent members 
> are now lobbying to assume office as leader to
> enrich themselves 
> and some of them who see me as a threat to their
> ambitions, are 
> even plotting to kill me. However, I am a young man
> who has ambitions 
> and is not in any way interested in wars. 
> I write to seek for your urgent help in respect to
> safe keeping 
> of some of my father's money(US$25.4Million) that
> arose from Diamonds 
> sales. This money(US$25.4Million) was already on its
> way to my father's 
> Swiss bank account and is in transit with a safe
> deposit company 
> in Amsterdam, Netherlands. We used major part of our
> money in prosecuting 
> the war. It is very clear with the way things are
> now, that President 
> Dos Santos will freeze my father's assests and
> accounts in this 
> country to ground UNITA. I wish to use this money to
> safeguard my future. 
> It is paramount that you understand that the kind of
> trust and confidence 
> being reposed in you is extraordinary, and that this
> is an act of 
> The help I need from you is clearing the money which
> is deposited 
> with a security company in Amsterdam, after which, a
> professional 
> banker, who is an attaché of IMF will join you and
> assist in depositing 
> the money and lodging into an account in your name.
> The money shall 
> remain in your custody till I decide to leave
> Angola. In the interim, 
> the money can be invested into riskfree profitable
> ventures, and 
> there will an agreement by my lawyer to protect my
> interest. I have 
> all the documents that will enable you claim the
> consignment from 
> the security company. I will reward you with 20% of
> the money. 
> I to thank you in advance in anticipation for your
> assistance in 
> enabling me achieve this goal. 
> Please contact me whether or not you are interested
> in assisting 
> me. This will enable me scout for another partner in
> the event of noninterest on your part. 
> With best regards,
> Mr.Thomas Savimbi. 
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