Available at :


This rpm use external rpms from the Jpackage Project (http://www.jpackage.org)

Only needed binary rpm will be present in jakarta rpms directory :


Those of you interested in rebuilding tomcat 4 rpms, should go 
to jpackage project and grab the necessary source rpms.


Tomcat 4.0 RPM info

the RPM will be named tomcat4 to allow coexistence
with the actual tomcat 3.x RPM (3.2.x and 3.3)

Here is the release notes for the tomcat4.0.x RPM builds.

o Starting with Tomcat 4.0.4, there is 2 differents kind
  of rpm for tomcat4 which follow the 2 Tomcat 4 packages
  available at jakarta.apache.org


   This version is a minimal Tomcat 4.0 release with
   no support for javamail, tyrex extensions.

   So it didn't include activation, javamail, jdbc2ext,
   or tyrex.

   To meet RPM packaging policies, some required packages
   like jakarta-regexp 1.2, servlet API 2.3 and an XML parser
   (ie xerces 1.44), will be linked in tomcat4 directories at
   install time and as such, should be present in system before


   This version include full support for javamail, jndi and
   tyrex datasources.

   The rpm include activation.jar, javamail.jar, jdbc2ext and
   The rpm also include jndi.jar for JDK 1.2.

   It also include jakarta-regexp 1.2 and servlet 2.3 APIs,
   and xerces 1.44.

o SSL support

   SSL support is compiled in, but due to crypto regulation, JSSE
   jars are not distributed with either version of Tomcat 4 rpm.
   To make use of SSL, you should have JDK 1.4 or JSSE 1.0.2
   jars in CLASSPATH, or in server/lib.

  If you have JSSE jars on your system, jcert.jar, jsse.jar,
  jnet.jar, just define JSSE_HOME in /etc/tomcat4/conf/tomcat4.conf
  those JAR files will be added to thei system class path.

o FHS layout

  Starting with Tomcat 4.O.4, rpm is more FHS compliant,
  configuration is on /etc/tomcat4/conf, log goes in
  /var/log/tomcat4, run files in /var/run/tomcat4 and
  temp files in /var/run/tomcat4/temp.
  To make Tomcat 4 works, symlinks are made between real
  FHS location and basedir, /var/tomcat4, location

o Tomcat 4 configuration

  A configuration file /etc/tomcat4/conf/tomcat4.conf is loaded
  before Tomcat or Jasper start and could be used to tuned JVM

o Tomcat 4 / Jasper 4 invocation

  Tomcat 4.0 invoker script is tomcat4, Jasper 4.0 is jasper4
  Take a look at /etc/tomcat4/conf/tomcat4.conf for tuning

o Running mode

  For security purposes tomcat4 will run as user tomcat4, which
  should be created by rpm at install time. Warning this user
  should have a login shell to be able to use the su exec command

o Listen ports

  Starting with Tomcat 4.0.4, Tomcat 4.0 will listen on standard ports,
  ie port 8080 (HTTP 1.1), 8081 (HTTP 1.0), 8443 (HTTP SSL), 8009 (AJP13),
  8008 (WARP).

  To avoid collision with running TC 3.x, you could use the reloctomcat4
  command which will change these ports to 8180, 8181, 8453 and 8109.

        697ECEDD 2000/04/06 Henri Gomez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Key fingerprint = 9D F8 1E A8 ED 53 2F 39  DC 9B 90 4A 36 4F 80 E6

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