Caveat: I don't have data on usage patterns or performance.  I'll try
to address these questions anyway :-).

On Wed, 26 Jun 2002, David Mossakowski wrote:

> Can someone please answer the following questions:
> 1.  Is Tomcat used as a standalone server in a production
> environment or always with Apache?

Both, I'd imagine.

> 2.  For a server that serves web applications only and no static
> html files does it make sense to use Apache at all?  Would it be
> better to use a standalone Tomcat?  Does Apache provide such better
> HTTP support?

You could certainly well use Tomcat standalone.  Even if you have
static content you could.  It might depend on what kind of traffic
you'd expect.

Apache does provide advantages besides better handling of static
content.  It's got greater configuration options, lots of other things
you can do with it, lots of modules you can use, better/easier
handling of SSL support, and I'm sure tons of other things I'm not
aware of.  Guess you'll have to decide for yourselves if those are
worth it.  And you might have to try Tomcat standalone for a while to
see if it meets your needs, performance-wise and capabilities-wise.

> 3.  If an application has 'images' directory in a web context
> directory then will those images be served using Tomcat as well?  If
> so then for an application entirely made up of JSPs and servlets,
> all requests to Apache would be forwarded to Tomcat, correct?

I think whether those images are handled by Apache would depend on
which connector you'd use and how you'd set it up.

> 4.  Where can I find out more about distributing Tomcats across
> multiple servers under a load balancer?  I only found
> from February
> 2000.  Does this document still hold for ajp13?

Don't really know on this one.

Milt Epstein
Research Programmer
Systems and Technology Services (STS)
Campus Information Technologies and Educational Services (CITES)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

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