

WARP = (See also 'Impulse Power') The two huge nacelles at the back of
the ship contain our warp drive engines. These engines allow the
Enterprise to travel at many times the speed of light. The distances
between star systems are so vast - vast beyond the ability of a human
mind to imagine - that without the warp drive, it would take 50,000
years (!!) to travel from one story to the next. (Our audience is
patient, but not that patient.) Warp drive speed is measured in Warp

(From the Star Trek glossary)


Just kidding ;)  Couldn't resist that one, and I'm not even a trek fan.


See here for the WARP connector documentation:


"WARP is the communication protocol developed by the Tomcat developers
to provide a vendor-neutral way of communicating with a Web server..."

(See for details)


Yoav Shapira

Millennium ChemInformatics



>-----Original Message-----

>From: shi_hang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 9:57 AM


>Subject: Would you please tell me what the "WARP" means?


>Would you please tell me what the "WARP" means? Where can I get

>about it?


>Any help appreciated.

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