I can't seem to get tomcat to run as a standalone web server. I have a
webapp that is almost entirely dynamic so I do not want to use the
apache/tomcat combo, I just want tomcat. I have two nics in my system, a
public and a private one (this box also functions as a NAT server) when
I configure tomcat to run on port 8080 then everything is fine, but when
I tell it to run on port 80 then I can only access the webapp from
within the private network (even if I use the public ip) but I can't see
the webapp from the public network. I tried telneting to port 80 from
the public network and it connects but when I do "GET /" (which normally
returns something) I get nothing, I looked at the tomcats access logs
and it doesn't have an entry for these requests. ANY HELP WOULD BE GREAT

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