jk2.shm is created in the Apache2\logs directory which has permissions set
to: Everyone - Full Control.

Any other ideas?

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Pelillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: July 01, 2002 5:32 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Apache 2.0.39 & modjk2

check the permissions of the directory where jk2.shm file is going. 
Make sure the account which is running tomcat has permission to write
into the directory.

On Mon, 2002-07-01 at 15:25, Short, Dave wrote:
> Does anyone know why Apache 2.0.39 is reporting the [warn] messages in the
> error.log file?
> [Mon Jul 01 13:16:42 2002] [notice] Parent: Created child process 1752
> [Mon Jul 01 13:16:42 2002] [notice] Child 1752: Child process is running
> [Mon Jul 01 13:16:43 2002] [warn] workerEnv.init() ok
> C:/Apache2/conf/workers2.properties
> [Mon Jul 01 13:16:43 2002] [warn] mod_jk child init 1 -1
> [Mon Jul 01 13:16:43 2002] [notice] Child 1752: Acquired the start mutex.
> [Mon Jul 01 13:16:43 2002] [notice] Child 1752: Starting 250 worker
> httdp.conf file:
> Include /mod_jk2.conf
> mod_jk2.conf file:
> <IfModule !mod_jk2.c>
>   LoadModule jk2_module c:/Apache2/modules/mod_jk2.dll
> </IfModule>
> workers2.properties file:
> [logger]
> level=DEBUG
> [config:]
> file=${serverRoot}/conf/workers2.properties
> debug=0
> debugEnv=0
> [uriMap:]
> info=Maps the requests. Options: debug
> debug=0
> [shm:]
> info=Scoreboard. Required for reconfiguration and status with multiprocess
> servers
> file=${serverRoot}/logs/jk2.shm
> size=1000000
> debug=0
> disabled=0
> [workerEnv:]
> info=Global server options
> timing=1
> debug=0
> [channel.socket:localhost:8019]
> info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket
> debug=0
> tomcatId=localhost:8019
> [status:]
> info=Status worker, displays runtime informations
> [vm:]
> info=Parameters used to load a JVM in the server process
> OPT=-Djava.class.path=${TOMCAT_HOME}/bin/tomcat-jni.jar
> OPT=-Dtomcat.home=${TOMCAT_HOME}
> OPT=-Dcatalina.home=${TOMCAT_HOME}
> OPT=-Xmx128M
> disabled=1
> [worker.jni:jniCmd1]
> info=Command to be executed by the VM. This one will start tomcat.
> class=org/apache/jk/apr/TomcatStarter
> ARG=start
> disabled=1
> [uri:/jkstatus/*]
> info=Display status information and checks the config file for changes.
> group=status:
> [uri:/PSI]
> info=PSI Application
> context=/PSI
> debug=0
> [uri:/PSI/servlet/*]
> info=Prefix mapping
> [uri:/PSI/*.jsp]
> info=Extension mapping
> [uri:/PSI/*]
> info=Map the whole webapp
> --
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