Hi (Jose),

I  made  the  changes  you suggested but I'm still having problems.  Let me
give you a little more background:

The  website  we  would  like  to  drive  using  tomcat4  is located in the
/bioinformatics/webapps/bioinformatics directory (again, we're using RedHat
Linux 7.3; I don't think it matters but /bioinformatics is a RAID 0 drive).
Since  it  is possible that other websites might be developed in the future
that     need     tomcat     we     want     to     access     it     using
http://bioinformatics.ist.unomaha.edu/bioinformatics.   Thus,  lines  198 -
201 in my server.xml file now look like this

    <Context path="" docBase="ROOT" debug="0"/>
    <Context  path="/var/tomcat4"  docBase="/bioinformatics/webapps"  debug

Note  that  bioinformatics.ist.  . . is a VirtualHost in Apache, configured

    ServerName bioinformatics.ist.unomaha.edu
    ServerAlias bioinformatics.unomaha.edu
    DocumentRoot "/bioinformatics/webapps"
    DirectoryIndex index.jsp index.html

Now  for  the  problem that we're having:  The website itself seems to work
but    I    cannot   access   any   of   the   manager   functions;   e.g.,
http://bioinformatics.ist.unomaha.edu:8180/bioinformatics/manager/list.   I
have  modified  the  tomcat-users.xml file to contain a user "admin" with a
role of "manager."  This is the error message that I get:

Apache Tomcat/4.0.3 - HTTP Status 404 - /manager/list


type Status report

message /manager/list

description The requested resource (/manager/list) is not available.

Any  help  you  could  provide  to help solve this problem would be greatly

Other general questions (if you have time):
1)  I  know  that  tomcat  can not stand alone and requires Apache to work.
   However,  in  our  case,  how  do they interact?  Do we need to set up a
2)  My  understanding  is that we need to specify the port when accessing a
   tomcat-enabled website, e.g., http://bioinformatics.ist.unomaha.edu:8180
   .   Is this true?  If so, is there any way to configure Apache/Tomcat so
   that the port number is NOT required?
3) Right now, all we have done is to use some include file statements in an
   otherwise  static webpage.  In this case, do we need a WEB-INF directory
   in .../bioinformatics?
4)  We  have not deployed anything but our application seems to work.  When
   is deploying necessary?


Mark A. Pauley, Ph.D.
College of Information Science & Technology, UNO
Omaha, NE 68182-0116
phone:  (402) 554-4954  fax:  (402) 554-3284
            .apache.org                             To:     
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          
            07/01/2002 10:59 AM                     Subject: tomcat-user Digest 1 Jul 
2002 15:59:30 -0000 Issue 980                 
            Please respond to "Tomcat Users                                            

Hi Mark,

Your server.xml looks fine.

Question which URL are you trying to access?

If you are trying to access http://localhost/ you will get this
error because there is no context defined to answer this request, only
request of the form




will be answered since they are the only two context defined

If that is the case, do the following

Replace line 198 -200

    <Context path="" docBase="ROOT" debug="0"/>


<Context path="/bioinformatics" docBase="bioinformatics" debug="0"/>

which will create a context "/bioinformatics", so you can access it using

Or you can setup this app as the default context as follows

Replace line 198 -200

    <Context path="" docBase="ROOT" debug="0"/>


<Context path="/" docBase="bioinformatics" debug="0"/>

which will create a context "/", so you can access it using

well, I hope this helps you, let me know how it goes

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