> Is there anyone that installed (Apache + Tomcat + JBoss) combination all
> together?
> What are the advantages of Using Apache with Tomcat-JBoss combination or 
> is Tomcat enough for complete web content serving?
> Should I run Apache with Tomcat + JBoss in a separate JVM?

>>>Tomcat + JBoss will give you a complete JEE server, with web interface. 
>>>Apache can help you off-load serving static stuff from your Tomcat. 
>>>The dynamic part: JSP, Servlets (EJB and other JBoss mechanisms) will not
be served by Apache.

It's ok. But I am just wondering that; Is it helpful that using Apache with
(Tomcat + JBoss) combination?
I mean serving the non-dynamic contents of a website through Apache instead
of using the Tomcat's internal web server. 
And additionaly using the EJB container of JBoss and Web Container of Tomcat
for non-static parts. 
Thus using all three products together on a single website?

Any idea?


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