Great, I've been looking for a way to do this for some time now. I tried 
out your snippets, but when I start tomcat from an ant script, the rest 
of the script doesn't get executed (the only thing I've changed: I've 
commented out the catalina_base line, as I don't need multiple instances).

Can anybody help?



Dominic Clay wrote:
> Hi,
> If anyone is interested, I found this snippet which works!!!
> You can replace the arg element with 'start' to 'start' Tomcat.
> Hope this is useful to someone!
> Dominic
> <!--
>    ========================================================================
>      Stop Tomcat 4.0
>    ========================================================================
> -->
> <target name="stop.tomcat.40">
>     <java classname="org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap" fork="yes">
>         <jvmarg value="-Dcatalina.home=${tomcat.home.40}"/>
>         <jvmarg value="-Dcatalina.base=${target.tomcat40.dir}"/>
>         <arg value="stop"/>
>         <classpath>
>           <fileset dir="${tomcat.home.40}">
>               <include name="bin/bootstrap.jar"/>
>           </fileset>
>         </classpath>
>     </java>
> </target>

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