
Put bluntly if these use a different WEB-INF directory then the long and 
short of it
is no.



Iain Downie wrote:

>Hi List,
>relatively new to Tomcat, so excuse the possible repetition / naivety of
>this posting. We currently have an expanding web application running. We are
>thinking of dividing it up into more user-friendly chunks (different
>applications), allowing us to control each application more easily (stop one
>without affecting others etc.). My question is, is it possible to pass
>session info between many different applications?
>For example, these are our surveys, which we want as different apps.
>1. Login and generic registration
>2. Spring birdwatch
>3. Garden birdwatch
>4. Other survey and so on.
>They will all be attached to one Oracle installation.
>Currently, 1 and 2 are combined, so no problem with session info. But is it
>possible to transfer the user details between these apps, so that someone
>who is in Spring, can move over to Garden without having to login again?
>I'm not looking for the solution (for now), just to know if it is possible
>or not.
>Thanks, hope someone can suggest some pointers
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