Martin Jacobson is believed to have said: 

>Don't avoid OS X! Developing Java Apps on OS9 and before was terrible, 
>to say the least! On Mac OS X it's much, much better! I recommend that 


OS X is in my plans. BUT: for somebody like myself with no Unix
experience it's a big jump.

So I need to have a little bit of time for that: it was scheduled for a
period like August were biz is resting (a least here in Italy: the best
time for an invasion plan, as everybody is at some beach or sleeping
anywhere else).

Still there are now some more urgent needs than I thought, and I finally
settled about starting a few experiments right away on the OS I know.

Results are very bad: it's difficult to translate the configs and
settings from a language I do not know (any shell script in the standard
download is like it were form Mars).

>you get GNU tar as the standard tar doesn't handle long paths, and I 
>don't like the standard tcsh, so downloaded bash. BBEdit as the text 
>editor, and you're away!

BBEdit is one of the first upgrades that go with OS X. GNU stuff in the
same round...

>And why use Tomcat 3, when Tomcat 4 is so good?

BTW: it's so difficult to find ANY hint or tutorial on how Tomcat 3 needs
to be configured. At times I hate living in a fast moving profession...

>I love OS X!

As as long, LONG time Mac user, it's a mixed feeling. I know that there
are a ton of improvements and advantages, but somehow I managed to wait
until now. Go figure...


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