I am trying to include an image in a pdf document generated from a servlet.

The image url is another servlet which retrieves the image from the

Using the fo:external-graphic element, I get the following in the log:


2002-07-08 15:08:11.239 [Ajp13Processor[8009][0]] ERROR DoraLogger  - Error
while creating area : Error with image URL: Server returned HTTP response
code: 401 for URL: http://koes/dora/MediaContentHandler?type=image
&id=1&mimetype=image/jpeg and no base directory is specified


I realize this is a servlet container configuration problem  (I am using
Tomcat 4.0.4 and Apache HTTPD 2.039 with the ajp [mod_jk] connector), but I
thought I'd post it to both lists to find out if users on either list have
had this problem and know how to resolve it.




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