Hi all.  I _finally_ got mod_jk working.  Man am I happy.

... now - I'm trying to get redirection "up and going".  Here are my 
"end-goals".  I am in hopes someone can give me some pointers:

One server instance
Two connection points using mod_jk (one http - one https)
The http connector will redirect urls with CONFIDENTIAL security 
constraints to the https connector
The https connector will redirect urls with no CONFIDENTIAL security 
constraints to the http connector

The docs say I must have _exactly_ one engine for each service.  Do I, 
then, need to declare a second service that will use the second 
connector.  How is this going to affect sessions/authentication 
(container-managed form-based authentication is one thing I want the 
redirects to handle).  I know someone out there has to be doing this! 
 How do you do it?  Anything that is "sensitive" should go over https 
(which Apache will provide).  Anything that isn't will go over http. 
 I'd like to keep the same session over both http/https - or, if someone 
knows of a way to "transfer" the session - otherwise it seems this is 
all futile.

It sounds to me, from reading the docs, like I'll have to have two 
services.  Is this right?  I think having two services would shoot me in 
the foot with respect to my session.  I really want to use 
container-managed authentication/security/<insert thing server can do 
here>.  The more "centrally-maintained" the better IMHO.  Plus, I know 
you guys are going to continue to improve the state of Tomcat, and 
everything included in it.

Any help would be most appreciated!

Thanks in advance! =)


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