I'm trying to load a DLL into a servlet. It works fine if I start the class
as a standard Java file with a main-method.
The very same class generates an error when used as a servlet though .-(

There is no difference whether I use a relative or an absolut path:

2002-07-11 08:10:47 - Ctx( /test ): Exception in: R( /test +
/servlet/HwapiOpenServlet + null) - java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
        at com.hyperwave.hwapi.HWAPI.nativeInit(Native Method)
        at com.hyperwave.hwapi.HWAPI.init(HWAPI.java:31)
        at AjpHwapiCall.openHwapi(AjpHwapiCall.java:468)
. . .


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