Running Tomcat 3.2 on Win2K.  Using Emacs and Cygwin dev tools.

Can anyone tell me what the following error messages from tomcat.log 
might imply is wrong with my web application or dev environment?

2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): 400 R( /) null
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IOException in: R( /) error while writing 
to socket
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING

The whole log from startup of Tomcat is below.  I am running a servlet 
under ssl that accepts a form value from a web page (http form) and 
performs a corresponding database query and returns the results to the 
client.  It was working fine, and the only thing that changed I believe 
is that my laptop went into auto-shutdown mode once when it was running 
from its battery.

Full contents of tomcat.log:
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /examples )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Set debug to 9
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /dynasurv )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /admin )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /dynasurv.tar.gz )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( / )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( 
/olddynasurv.tar.gz )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx(  )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /test )
2002-07-13 22:24:46 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): XmlReader - init  /dynasurv 
2002-07-13 22:24:46 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Reading C:\Program 
2002-07-13 22:24:47 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Loading -2147483646 jsp
2002-07-13 22:24:48 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting HttpConnectionHandler 
on 8080
2002-07-13 22:24:48 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting HttpConnectionHandler 
on 8443
2002-07-13 22:24:48 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting Ajp12ConnectionHandler 
on 8007
2002-07-13 22:24:52 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Get real path 
/static/QueryTool/index.html C:\Program 
C:\Program Files\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.4\webapps\dynasurv
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): 400 R( /) null
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IOException in: R( /) error while writing 
to socket
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING

". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

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