Can anyone please help with my issue?
(even if it is a vague pointer to the right area to look - I know it is an
old version of Tomcat - we may soon be moving to 4.x with Borland Enterprise
Server 5.x, but the URL-processing bit must be known by someone ...)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greasley, Alan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 05 July 2002 14:59
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Subject: URLs with %XX codes in them
> I need to use URLs with codes like %6D ('m'). This doesn't 
> seem to work on our Borland AppServer installation with Tomcat 3.2.
> Long story, but I can't launch browsers with the well-known 
> "rundl32 url.dll,FileLauncherProtocol <url>" any more as 
> Microsoft have made it not work (words fail me!)
> An inventive person has found that it objects to ".htm" and 
> ".html", so this Hex code spoof does the trick of fooling it, 
> but unfortunately this only works on other random web servers 
> I have tried - when I test against our server, I just get the 
> 404 page ....
> Any help would be gratefully received
> thanks
> Alan
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