What you are looking for isn't directly supported in Tomcat 3.3.1.
Are you able permitted to use customized version of Tomcat 3.3.1?
If not, you could try setting noCookies="true" on the global
<SessionId> and setting noCookies="false" on the local <SessionId>
for Contexts you want to use cookies.  It looks like the
cookiesFirst setting on the global <SessionId> will apply to all.

If you can use a customized (i.e. replace SessionId with
your modified version) Tomcat 3.3.1, then a better solution
should be possible.  Let me know if you want to try this


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christian Kurze [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 7:21 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: disabling cookies, Tomcat 3.3.1 Final
> HI,
> I want to use URL rewriting for session tracking by default, 
> that means,
> even if the user has activated cookies in his/her browser, 
> the url should be
> encoded via response.encodeURL(). There is a module <SessionId
> cookiesFirst="false" noCookies="true" /> to use in the 
> server.xml. But I
> don't know where to place it, because I want to deactivate 
> cookies in only
> one context. The others should use cookies by default. I tried the
> following, but it didn't work for me:
>         <Context path="/onlinestore"
>               docBase="D:\Java\onlinestore\defaultroot"
>               crossContext="true"
>               workdir="D:\Java\onlinestore\defaultroot"
>               debug="0"
>               reloadable="true">
>               <SessionId cookiesFirst="false" noCookies="true" />
>         </Context>
> In 4.0 there is an attribute for Context, cookies="false", 
> but I HAVE TO
> work with 3.3.1 final.
> Is it possible to deactivate cookies in the web.xml file?
> Any help appreciated.
> Thanks
> Christian
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