Running Tomcat 3.2 on Win2K.

Can anyone tell me what the following error messages from tomcat.log 
might imply is wrong with my web application or dev environment?

2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): 400 R( /) null
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IOException in: R( /) error while writing 
to socket
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING

The whole log from startup of Tomcat is below.  I am running a servlet 
under ssl that accepts a form value from a web page (http form) and 
performs a corresponding database query and returns the results to the 
client.  It was working fine, and the only thing that changed I believe 
is that my laptop went into auto-shutdown mode once when it was running 
from its battery.  Other servlets work fine.

Full contents of tomcat.log:
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /examples )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Set debug to 9
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /dynasurv )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /admin )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /dynasurv.tar.gz )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( / )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( 
/olddynasurv.tar.gz )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx(  )
2002-07-13 22:24:39 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /test )
2002-07-13 22:24:46 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): XmlReader - init  /dynasurv 
2002-07-13 22:24:46 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Reading C:\Program 
2002-07-13 22:24:47 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Loading -2147483646 jsp
2002-07-13 22:24:48 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting HttpConnectionHandler 
on 8080
2002-07-13 22:24:48 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting HttpConnectionHandler 
on 8443
2002-07-13 22:24:48 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting Ajp12ConnectionHandler 
on 8007
2002-07-13 22:24:52 - Ctx( /dynasurv ): Get real path 
/static/QueryTool/index.html C:\Program 
C:\Program Files\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.4\webapps\dynasurv
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): 400 R( /) null
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IOException in: R( /) error while writing 
to socket
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING
2002-07-13 22:25:46 - Ctx(  ): IllegalStateException in: R( /) Current 
state = FLUSHED, new state = CODING

". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

". . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl & Crystal shining bright
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from "The Crystal Cabinet", a poem by William Blake.

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