This is strange, why are you sending requests with my name (in the from address of 
this email)?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Reynir Hübner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 17. júlí 2002 11:27
> Subject: Redireceting HTTP -> HTTPS
> Hello all,
> Have any of you experienced Tomcat changing the *domain name* 
> of the request to "localhost" when you're trying to 
> automatically redirect from HTTP to HTTPS? We know that it's 
> supposed to change the protocol and the port, but the domain as well? 
> Here's the situation:
> I have a directory ("db") on my site (for the sake of this 
> email, "") that I want to protect using SSL.  
> Additionally, I need any wayward HTTP requests to this 
> directory to be automatically redirected to HTTPS to ensure 
> that they are SSL-encrypted. 
> To set this up, I followed the SSL Configuration How-To, 
> created the keystore, and generated a private key.  I then 
> edited /conf/server.xml and /WEB-INF/web.xml (details below) 
> to automatically redirect those certain HTTP requests over to 
> HTTPS.  Finally, I restarted Tomcat. 
> Now when I reference my HTTPS URL *directly*, SSL kicks in, 
> the browser padlock is locked, and everything works great: 
> As I stated, however, I've configured the HTTP request: 
> To automatically redirect to that HTTPS URL from above: 
> BUT, for some reason, Tomcat is changing the domain to LOCALHOST: 
>    https://localhost:8443/db/index.jsp 
> So... basically, Tomcat's got it about 80% right. The 
> protocol and port were succesfully redirected (http 8080 -> 
> https 8443), but the domain was changed.  This instance of 
> Tomcat is on a remote machine, *NOT* my local machine, so 
> localhost fails. My question -- why would Tomcat be changing 
> the server name in such a way? 
> FYI, here is the relevant code from conf/server.xml:
> ---------------------------------
> ---------------------------------
> Here is the relevant code from web.xml:
> ---------------------------------
>       Secure SSL Access
>       /db/*
> ---------------------------------
> Note that I have: 
> * uncommented the SSL connector 
> * properly set the HTTP connector's redirectPort to SSL's 8443 
> * changed the Engine's defaulthost to 
> * changed the Host's name to 
> * set the url-pattern match to /db/* in web.xml 
> * added the CONFIDENTIAL transport-guarantee 
> Nothing really extraordinary here.  Moreover, a grep for 
> "localhost" in both of these files returns zero results.  I'm 
> just not sure where it's coming from ... especially when 
> Tomcat seems to be doing everything *else* correctly here. 
> Any ideas? Thanks in advance!! 
> -Steve Baker 
> p.s. Performing a brute force solution such as: 
> -------------------- 
> if (request.getScheme().equals("http")) { 
>    // oops! response.Redirect() to the https URL instead. 
> } 
> -------------------- 
> ... at the top of every .jsp in my HTTPS-only directory isn't 
> going to be the right choice for this particular project.  I 
> will eventually employ that as a backup to ensure security, 
> but I don't wish to go with that as my first line of defense... 
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