It appears that much of the code from my first post got wiped out.
Trying the message again here a second time.  Thanks.  -SB

Have any of you experienced Tomcat changing the *domain name* of the 
request to "localhost" when you're trying to automatically redirect from 
HTTP to HTTPS? We know that it's supposed to change the protocol and the 
port, but the domain as well?

Here's the situation:
I have a directory ("db") on my site (for the sake of this email, 
"www.mysite.com") that I want to protect using SSL.  Additionally, I need 
any wayward HTTP requests to this directory to be automatically redirected 
to HTTPS to ensure that they are SSL-encrypted.

To set this up, I followed the SSL Configuration How-To, created the 
keystore, and generated a private key.  I then edited /conf/server.xml and 
/WEB-INF/web.xml (details below) to automatically redirect those certain 
HTTP requests over to HTTPS.  Finally, I restarted Tomcat.

Now when I reference my HTTPS URL *directly*, SSL kicks in, the browser 
padlock is locked, and everything works great:

As I stated, however, I've configured the HTTP request:

To automatically redirect to that HTTPS URL from above:

BUT, for some reason, Tomcat is changing the domain to LOCALHOST:

So... basically, Tomcat's got it about 80% right. The protocol and port 
were succesfully redirected (http 8080 -> https 8443), but the domain was 
changed.  This instance of Tomcat is on a remote machine, *NOT* my local 
machine, so localhost fails. My question -- why would Tomcat be changing 
the server name in such a way?

FYI, here is the relevant code from conf/server.xml:
<!-- Non-SSL Connector on Port 8080 -->
<Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
            port="8080" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
            enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443"
            acceptCount="10" connectionTimeout="60000" debug="0"
            scheme="http" secure="false"/>

<!-- SSL Connector on Port 8443 -->
<Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
            port="8443" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
            acceptCount="10" connectionTimeout="60000" debug="0"
            scheme="https" secure="true">
   <Factory className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteServerSocketFactory"
            clientAuth="false" protocol="TLS" />

<!-- Standard Engine -->
<Engine name="Standard Engine" defaultHost="www.mysite.com" debug="0">
    <Host name="www.mysite.com"
       <Context path="" docBase="" debug="0" reloadable="true"/>

Here is the relevant code from web.xml:
       <web-resource-name>Secure SSL Access</web-resource-name>

Note that I have:
* uncommented the SSL connector
* properly set the HTTP connector's redirectPort to SSL's 8443
* changed the Engine's defaulthost to www.mysite.com
* changed the Host's name to www.mysite.com
* set the url-pattern match to /db/* in web.xml
* added the CONFIDENTIAL transport-guarantee

Nothing really extraordinary here.  Moreover, a grep for "localhost" in 
both of these files returns zero results.  I'm just not sure where it's 
coming from ... especially when Tomcat seems to be doing everything *else* 
correctly here.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!!

-Steve Baker

p.s. Performing a brute force solution such as:
if (request.getScheme().equals("http")) {
    // oops! response.Redirect() to the https URL instead.
... at the top of every .jsp in my HTTPS-only directory isn't going to be 
the right choice for this particular project.  I will eventually employ 
that as a backup to ensure security, but I don't wish to go with that as my 
first line of defense...

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