
>Hi Saphira

I don't think anyone has ever spelled my name that way before ;)

Here's the process:

1) In your server.xml, look for the AccessLogValue.  It will have an
attribute pattern="common".  Change this to pattern="combined" to get
more information.  (This step is optional, but we do it).  The
difference between the common and combined patterns is defined here:
(combined basically adds the referrer and user-agent fields to each log

2) So now you have a bunch of files like
localhost_access_log.yyyy-mm-dd.txt in your $CATALINA_HOME/logs
directory.  While a bunch of analyzers, including http-analyze which I
use, work with sets of files, I've found it better to merge all the
files into one big time-sorted files.  I use mergeLog for this.
Download it at:

An alternative I've also used is LogSorter.  It's in java, so you can
compile it yourself.  Directions and download are here:

(Also a rationale as to why merging the log files is better).

3) Now I have one big access log file, sorted by time.  For us, this
file is in the hundreds of MBs in size.  I run http-analyze (2.01, the
free version), obtained from:

It's very fast, and outputs a ton of good information but it's very easy
to navigate the information.  It's also easy to package, post to a web
site for others to see, etc.

Does that answer your question?

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

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