I believe your virtualhost setup is the problem here.
I had a go with virtualhosts. Make sure you have the
directory serving a specific virtualhost defined
inside the virtualhost block otherwise it will be
going to the default directory of the server.

Hope this would hlep.

--- Chris Ruegger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Situation:
> RedHat Linux 7.2 with Apache forwarding requests to
> Tomcat 4.0.4 works OK.
> I'm using Struts in my Tomcat application. What I
> want to have happen is this:
> 1. Client connects to Apache with some URL "foo.com"
> 2. Apache has been set up to look for an "index.do"
> welcome-file via the DirectoryIndex
>     Directive
> 3. Apache/AJP3 configured such that all "*.do"
> patterns get sent to Tomcat
> 4. Using Struts/Tomcat, I have mapped "index.do" to
> some Action in struts-config.xml
> 5. Tomcat process action for index.do, runs logic,
> forwards to JSP, etc.
> I have set this up on my Linux machine. I had to add
> a dummy "index.do" file in the
> document root that is empty. This seemed to be
> necessary to get Apache and Tomcat
> to try to return it, and it sets the processing
> above into motion.
> Problem:
> All works fine when I access Apache from the Linux
> machine itself as "localhost".
> However when I access Apache from another machine as
> "foo.com", Apache
> seems to be return the empty "index.do" file and
> does not forward on to Tomcat.
> How can I get this to work when I access everything
> from a remote machine?
> Some relevant entries from my config files:
> httpd.conf:
> <IfModule mod_dir.c>
>   DirectoryIndex index.do index.jsp index.html
> </IfModule>
> mod_jk.conf:
> <VirtualHost localhost>
>   ServerName localhat
>   JkMount /*.do ajp13
>   JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
>   JkMount /servlet/* ajp13
> </VirtualHost>
> Is this a reasonable approach end-to-end, or how
> have other people implemented
> the same funcitionality?
> Thanks!

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