*sigh* that would be extremely complex.  As you might note from looking at the URLs 
which don't change (except for the occassional HTML get arguments), the code is 
actually being summoned from a database based on state information in the hidden form 
fields.  Thus, all of the web pages are summoned from the same set of class files, the 
sum total of which are rather large.
Here's the main class file.  As you can see it doesn't follow the traditional 
servlet->form->new servlet->new form.  Also, I just don't expect people to have to 
wade through a whole bunch of class libraries that I created myself.
import java.io.*;
import java.sql.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import ini;
import rcrunner;
import htmlform;
import tagStream;
public class isbib extends HttpServlet {
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
                      HttpServletResponse response)
        throws IOException, ServletException
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
                      HttpServletResponse response)
        throws IOException, ServletException
    public void searchme(HttpServletRequest request,
                         HttpServletResponse response)
        throws IOException, ServletException
     PrintWriter out=null;
     try {
         readcore s=new readcore("isbib.ini","FILE");
         String command=s.getModule();
         Class myclass;
         boolean userStop=false;
         rc_error vserror=new rc_error(s);
         rcrunner runModule;
          if (command==null || command.length()==0)
          while (!userStop)
            if (s.value("DEBUG").toUpperCase().compareTo("ON")==0)
              System.out.println("Changing module from command "+command+" 
            if (s.value("DEBUG").toUpperCase().compareTo("ON")==0)
              System.out.println("Module changed gracefully to "+command+" 
            if (s.checkCommand())
              System.out.println("Something wrong with arguments to "+command);
             if (command.toUpperCase().compareTo("END")==0)
               if (s.value("DEBUG").toUpperCase().compareTo("ON")==0)
                 System.out.println("Current Command is "+command+" class 
               runModule=(rcrunner) myclass.newInstance();
               if (s.value("DEBUG").toUpperCase().compareTo("ON")==0)
                 System.out.println("Exited gracefully from command "+command+" class 
               if (s.value("ERROR").length()>0)
                  runModule=(rcrunner) myclass.newInstance();
                  vserror=new rc_error(s);
              } //end not END
           } //end not checkcommand
         } // End While not userstop
       } //End Try
       catch (IOException io)
          htmlform.doerror(out,"IOError: "+io.getMessage());
       catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
          htmlform.doerror(out,"ClassNotFoundError: "+cnfe.getMessage());
       catch (SQLException sq)
          htmlform.doerror(out,"SQLError: "+sq.getMessage());
       catch (InstantiationException insta)
          htmlform.doerror(out,"InstantiationError: "+insta.getMessage());
       catch (IllegalAccessException illga)
          htmlform.doerror(out,"IllegalAccessError: "+illga.getMessage());
Thanks anyway
Cecil Chua

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Sexton, George [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
        Sent: Sat 7/27/2002 9:31 AM 
        To: Tomcat Users List 
        Subject: RE: Website does not appear on Macintosh/IE

        The only suggestion I can make at this point is to post a URL to the servlet 
source so that it can be looked at.
        -----Original Message-----
        From: Sexton, George [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
        Sent: 27 July, 2002 7:11 AM
        To: Tomcat Users List
        Subject: RE: Website does not appear on Macintosh/IE
        I'm not sure it is fault HTML. Are you setting the content type? Are you 
trying to use compression?
        -----Original Message-----
        From: Chua Eng Huang, Cecil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
        Sent: 26 July, 2002 8:36 PM
        To: Tomcat Users List
        Subject: RE: Website does not appear on Macintosh/IE
        That is the error reported for the Macintosh/IE combination.  Does anyone know 
        (Even with faulty HTML, I'd think the browser would still get faulty HTML 
instead of nothing).
        Cecil Chua
                -----Original Message-----
                From: Sexton, George [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
                Sent: Fri 7/26/2002 9:52 PM
                To: Tomcat Users List
                Subject: RE: Website does not appear on Macintosh/IE
                You might try looking at it in Mozilla. It looks totally wrong there. 
When you type in an author first name and lastname, and hit submit you get a TOTALLY 
blank page.
                -----Original Message-----
                From: Chua Eng Huang, Cecil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
                Sent: 26 July, 2002 7:30 PM
                To: Tomcat Users List
                Subject: RE: Website does not appear on Macintosh/IE
                Hmm... for some reason I am getting a different set of output.  This 
is what I get:
                <TD><Input Type="CheckBox" Name="FACNO0000" Value="46464"></TD>
                <TD>Straub Jr.</TD>
                <TD>Detmar W.</TD>
 Jr.&First=Detmar W.">Change data</A></TD>
                This part of the code is auto-generated.  What concerns me is that you 
are getting eight zeros after the FACNO variable rather than four.  Also note that the 
code is "cleaner".  I haven't made any changed to the code for at least a week.
                Cecil Chua
                        -----Original Message-----
                        From: Sexton, George [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
                        Sent: Fri 7/26/2002 7:49 PM
                        To: Tomcat Users List
                        Subject: RE: Website does not appear on Macintosh/IE
                        You might try cleaning up the HTML and re-testing it. I ran it 
through the HTML validator at validator.w3.org and got this:
                            *  Line 23, column 64:
                          <TD><Input Type="CheckBox" Name="FACNO00000000" 
                              Error: end tag for element "INPUT" which is not open; 
try removing the end tag or check for improper nesting of elements
                            * Line 24, column 35:
                          ... IRST0000" Value="Detmar W."></Input></TD>
                              Error: end tag for element "INPUT" which is not open; 
try removing the end tag or check for improper nesting of elements
                            * Line 25, column 35:
                          ... AST0000" Value="Straub Jr."></Input></TD>
                              Error: end tag for element "INPUT" which is not open; 
try removing the end tag or check for improper nesting of elements
                            * Line 191, column 31:
                          <Option Value="49"  >Florida A&M</Option>
                              Error: unknown entity "M"
                            * Line 2111, column 3:
                              Error: end tag for element "P" which is not open; try 
removing the end tag or check for improper nesting of elements
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