sounds like an allow/deny problem.  I don't know a great deal about 
setting this up, but it's nearly got to be your problem.  I believe what 
you want, in your virtual host is soemthing like:

Order allow, deny
Allow from all

I actually found mine in the <Directory> specifier just now - was 
thinking that was valid in the context of a virtual host too, but I'm 
not certain off-hand.  Check the Apache docs - they know ;-)
It sounds like you're only allowing request local to you to be served. 
 This mechanism (I believe) is what is holding you back.



Serdar BOZDAĞ wrote:

>I installed SSL on my apache tomcat 4.0.4 web server and I was able to access the 
>site over https. But now I cannot access.
>Some changes are done to the machine and web server. For instance iPlanet is 
>installed and as a second change there are two hosts on tomcat...
>I can access the secure page on the local machine (not https://localhost, but 
> but the same url ( does not displayed when 
>called from another machine.
>What may be the reasons ,
>thanks in advance,

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