Title: Document.importNode not working-works fine in modified JSDK2.1

Yes indeed, the <PROJECT>/WEB-INF/lib is where you place app specific JARs.
But your problem is dealing with XML and JSDK 2.1... the JSDK does not contain the "org.w3c" package. You probably know this already, but here's the javadoc link for the JSDK 2.2... the 2.1 is offline now, since 2.3 is the standard.
The 1.3.x J2EE complete JAR does... but the older versions did not.
So, the questions therefore, are....
1. What is your "compile-time" classpath... Where is the compiler finding org.w3c.dom / org.xml.sax ?
2. What is your "run-time classpath".
3. If # 1 and # 2 are different, do you also have servlet spec differences? ( 2.1 vs. 2.2 or 2.3 )
I think the long and short of it will be that you need to add the "org.w3c.dom" and "org.xml.sax" packages to the $TOMCAT_HOME/server/lib/ or to your $PROJECT/WEB-INF/lib/

[Greg Waehner]  -----Original Message-----
From: Chua Eng Huang, Cecil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 9:02 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: REPOST: Document.importNode not working-works fine in modified JSDK2.1

This is probably it.  However, I have dumped every jar file into webapps\examples\WEB-INF\lib,
which according to my understanding of the various docs is where you're supposed to put all your own JAR files.
>Also, what are these "special" JARs? Tomcat is a J2EE servlet container, but it does not contain all the components of >the "easy download" J2SDK EE. So, look in the JAR files and see if the "org.w2c.dom" package is there... it may not be (I >forget). If that's the case, then you are compiling with a classpath that does not match the runtime classpath. This is >common with Tomcat, unless you want to point your compile classpath to $TOMCAT_HOME/server/lib/ for the JARs. >A lot of people use the J2EE.jar for simplicity, but then must remember to compare the run-time packages when a problem >occurs.

The code does compile fine (otherwise I wouldn't be getting a crash by Tomcat itself.  I'd get it from the compiler).

Cecil Chua

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