Dear sir,
    I am using Tomcat 4.1.3-LE-jdk1.4 with JSDK 1.4.0_01 on Linux(Mandrake
8.1). I want to add my data on CD-ROM into my homepage. So, I set my user
homepage(~lsomchai) by using <Listenner> tag in server.xml file as follow.

<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.startup.UserConfig"

In my homepage directory, there is the Test subdirectory and the TestSymlink
inside it. The TestSymlink is link to /mnt/cdrom directory.

if I access to ~lsomchai/Test, the homepage will list TestSymlink with
nothing at "Size" column and null at "Last Modified" column.
then, I access into TestSymlink. It show this message.
HTTP Status 404 - /%7Elsomchai/Test/TestSymlink/
type Status report
message /%7Elsomchai/Test/TestSymlink/
description The requested resource (/%7Elsomchai/Test/TestSymlink/) is not
Apache Tomcat/4.1.3-LE-jdk14

Please help me. How can I set my tomcat to access CD-ROM?


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