On Fri, 9 Aug 2002, B. Duffee wrote:

> Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 11:59:48 +0100 (BST)
> From: B. Duffee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>      B. Duffee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: AW: configuring tomcat for 100+ contexts
> >>student in the servlet.xml.  I would _like_ to be able to say for every
> >> directory that you find a WEB-INF, such as
> >>    /var/www/htdocs/$course/$student/WEB-INF
> >>
> >> Would
> >>    <Context path="" docBase="/var/www/htdocs/*/*"
> >>            appBase="/var/www/htdocs/" reloadable="true" debug="0"/>
> >> make any sense?
> >
> >I suggest a small perl script that produces the apps-XXXXX.xml files in
> >$TOMCAT_HOME/conf .
> >You could create/delete your students and courses and just run it to get the
> >newest working config without
> >touching server.xml. It can clone the webapps directory of each
> >a.o.a.o.a.o....  :)
> >Just the restarting would take a while :-))
> I was sort of doing that the last time because adding in one person at a time
> (they never make it easy for you) started getting tedious.  I could care less
> about start up times (they're only users, after all ;)  Oh yes, I'm also using
> mod_webapp, if that makes a difference.
> I was hoping for an eloquent solution that would recognize that all WEB-INF
> directories beneath htdocs are a tomcat context.

Another approach to consider for this kind of use is the "User Home
Directories" capability (requires Tomcat 4).  This makes a URL like
"http://www.myhost.com:8080/~craigmcc/"; refer to the "public_html"
subdirectory of my user home directory (just like the similar feature in
Apache and other web servers).  At startup time, all the users who have
public_html directories accessible to the username Tomcat runs under will
be automatically recognized.

Documentation is on the Host page in the server configuration reference

> danke,


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