On Mon, 12 Aug 2002, Paul Brinkley wrote:

> [snip]
> Putting "URGENT" is another annoyance.  It conveys the notion that the
> asker didn't plan time wisely.  If you truly got blindsided by a
> last-second request by management to solve a problem, you can explain in
> the body of the message.  If your job is at stake, then your management
> needs to get its priorities straightened out, and until then you're
> probably better off somewhere else.

While many of us can feel the hair on our backs start to bristle whenever
we see the word "Urgent" in a subject line, we do need to cut people a
little slack in one important respect.  A very large number of the people
posting questions on this list are not native English speakers -- they are
struggling to get across the basics of their question, and are not
necessarily familiar with the nuances of word choices that we take for

So let's try showing a little bit of understanding, OK?

> End soapbox.


Craig McClanahan

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