good point, although if you need to write to the file, getResourceAsStream doesn't 
work.  Is there something else along the same lines that will?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry Meadors [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 10:11 AM
> Subject: RE: Quick Question
> IMO, it seems like a bad idea to me to tie your bean 
> code to a servlet context unless you REALLY need to.
> To me, a better way would be to put the file in a 
> directory under classes, and use the classloader of 
> the current thread to get to the file.
> This way, you do not need servlet.jar to use your bean 
> if you every decide to use it outside of a servlet.
> This is a very simple process. Here is an example:
> private InputStream getFile(String name){
>  return Thread.
>   currentThread().
>   getContextClassLoader().
>   getResourceAsStream(name);
> }
> To read a properties file classes/ 
> for instance, you just do this:
> Properties p = new Properties();
> p.load(getFile(""));
> Larry
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/14/02 08:42 AM >>>
> It will work in a bean if you pass a reference 
> to the servlet context to it...
> --
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