eddie and craig, thanks for your replies.

i was calling the HttpServletRequest.getSession() before the response was 
committed.  in the below code on line 4, i didn't mention that was using a 
responseWrapper, so the servlet used the responseWrapper, and when control 
returned to the filter, the filter called HttpServletRequest.getSession() 
before committing the response.

HttpServletRequest.getSession(false) works, but 
HttpServletRequest.getSession() *before* committing the response, resulted 
in a hang...

is that behavior correct?

thanks for the getSession(false) suggestion.  it's working with that.

At 23:37 02/08/16 -0700, you wrote:

>  and retrieve the HttpSession object, *if* the session
> > has never been created before?
>The rules for a filter are the same as the rules for a servlet -- you have
>to create a session if you want one, before the response is submitted.
> >
> > i tried the following:
> >
> > 1  public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res,
> > FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
> > 2
> > 3     HttpServletRequest hreq = (HttpServletRequest)req;
> > 4     chain.doFilter(hreq,res);
> > 5
> > 6     // if it's the client's first access, the below returns false
> > 7     if( hreq.isRequestedSessionIdValid() ) {
>This is not the right test for a newly created session, because there
>*was* no requested session.  Try something like this instead:
>   HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
>   if (session == null) {
>     ... no session exists ...
>   } else if (session.isNew()) {
>     ... this is a newly created session ...
>   } else {
>     ... this is an existing session ...
>   }
> > 8             // ...not processed; go to else clause below...
> > 9     } else {
> > 10            String sid = hreq.getSession().getId();
> > 11    }
> > 12 }
> >
> > the request hangs on line 10 (which is when a client is accessing for the
> > *first time*).
> >
> > however, if the servlet (that receives the request in "doFilter()") calls
> > request.getSession(), then the above filter is able to retrieve the
> > HttpSession without a problem.
> >
> > is a filter prevented from creating a *new* HttpSession object?
> >
>No, you can create one the same way a servlet can - by calling
>request.getSession() or request.getSession(true).  However, you must call
>this before the response is committed, so calling it after
>chain.doFilter() returns is not going to work.
> > most likely, i'll be calling the request.getSession() in my servlet, so it
> > shouldn't be a problem, but i discovered this before placing the
> > request.getSession() code in my servlet.
> >
> > thank you.
> >

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