This one really belongs in an FAQ.

Section 11.1 bullet 3 of the servlet-2.3 spec states that:
If the last segment in the URL path contains an extension (e.g. .jsp), the
container will try to match a servlet that handles requests for the
An extension is defined as the part of the last segment after the last '.'

In particular, it is not possible to have "extra path" information on a JSP
page (unless you declare it to be prefixed-mapped in your web.xml).

"Tony LaPaso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I was hoping someone could explain something. I'm not sure if
> this is a Tomcat issue or a JSP issue.
> I'm using Tomcat v4.1.8 on Win 2k.
> It seems I cannot obtain the "extra path" information at the end
> of a URL from within a JSP. But, if I run the servlet that was
> generated from the JSP, I *can* get the extra path information
> with no problem.
> For example, below is a simple JSP (named Test.jsp) which I
> invoke using the URL below. Notice "/extra/path/info" is the
> extra path information at the end of the URL:
>    http://localhost/t/Test.jsp/extra/path/info:
> <html><head><title>Test</title></head>
> <body>
> <p>
> This is a test...
> <%= "Path Info: " + request.getPathInfo() %>
> </p>
> </body></html>
> When I run this JSP it produces the output:
> "This is a test... Path Info: null"
> Notice the request.getPathInfo() is returning null.
> Now, if I take the generated servlet class file and place it in
> my WEB-INF/classes directory, and I run the servlet with this
> URL:
> http://localhost/t/servlet/org.apache.jsp.Test_jsp/extra/path/inf
> o
> I get this output:
> "This is a test... Path Info: /extra/path/info"
> So, why can a JSP not have access to the extra path information?
> Is this a Tomcat configuration issue or something else?
> Thanks...
> Tony

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