
At 14:04 2002-08-18, Jacob Hookom wrote:
>| -----Original Message-----
>| Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 3:55 PM
>| Subject: Need help w. Tomcat Installation
>|   Hello all, this is steve burrus.I am an admitted Tomcat "newbie" user, 
>and I
>| find myself in need again of some advice from someone/somebody about 
>just how
>| the hell do you first install tomcat??! I am trying to install Tomcat 
>4.0.4, and I
>| get everything alright EXCEPT for getting an error msg. in DOS when I try to
>| start it up saying that the JAVA-HOME environment isn't properly set!!!
>Make sure you have j2sdk installed
>Right click on My Computer
>Go to Properties
>Click on Advanced Tab
>Click on Environment Variables at the bottom
>Under system variables, click New
>Variable Name: JAVA_HOME
>Variable Value: C:\j2sdk..... Wherever your root sdk installation is

In your mail, Steve, you wrote "JAVA-HOME". Make sure you're using "JAVA_HOME".

>Note, if you already have a console window open, you will need to close
>it and open a new one to get the updated system variable (I don't know
>why, it just does).

In both Unix and Windows (at least NT, 2K and XP), each process carries 
it's own environment internally. A newly created process "inherits" its 
initial environment from the process that created it at the time it is 
crated. After that, changes in the system-wide or parent process's 
environment do not affect that of any already running process--only that 
process itself can change its environment.

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

>| I know that I have
>| set it in the "System" applet correctly!! I am using Win XP. Oh, and one
>| more thing: Is there any new version of tomcat beyond v. 4.0.4?

Only development releases. This is made clear (and kept up-to-date) on the 
Tomcat home page <>.

>Of course... try looking at jakarta's home page, it reads at the top
>"15 August 2002 - Tomcat 4.1.9 Beta Released"

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