> What url did you try when you got this error? if you tried just
> http://localhost/examples/, apache should not try to redirect this to
> tomcat, since none of the JkMount statements are
> JkMount /examples/*. In this case, apache will be looking for one of the
> DirectoryIndex pages inside the /examples/ folder. Do any of those exist
> (index.html index.htm index.jsp)?

See my reply to John Turner. I at first tried only /examples/; the
JSPs/servlets don't work either.

> Also what part of httpd.conf do you have
> this line at: Include
> I don't have your old email anymore so i cannot check. It's possible that
> it's not at the beginning, that apache is following some other previous
> directive, which is why it may be looking under htdocs for examples

I tried moving it to the top but it has no effect. The Alias should prevent
Apache from serving anything from htdocs:

Alias /examples "/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/examples"

So http://localhost/examples/ should give me a directory listing (served by
Apache) as it does with Tomcat since there is no index file. From there I
can select either the jsp or servlet folder and hit Tomcat by running
HelloWolrd, etc.

Chetan Sarva

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