
I need this file: catalina-ant.jar. Where find it?

In documentation tomcat,

    * Download the binary distribution of Ant from
      http://jakarta.apache.org/ant <http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/>.
      You must use version *1.4* or later.
    * Install the Ant distribution in a convenient directory (called
      ANT_HOME in the remainder of these instructions).
    * Copy the file |server/lib/catalina-ant.jar| from your Tomcat 4
      installation into Ant's library directory (|$ANT_HOME/lib|).
    * Add the |$ANT_HOME/bin| directory to your |PATH| environment variable.
    * Configure at least one username/password combination in your
      Tomcat user database that includes the |manager| role.

But in my tomcat, not is possible find this file.


Alvaro Mota

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