On Wed, 21 Aug 2002, micael wrote:

> Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 13:35:47 -0700
> From: micael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Tomcat 5.0x Changes
> Is Tomcat 5.0 going to be a huge change?  What changes are anticipated?

Two kinds of major changes are going on:

* Support for the new Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 specifications.  The JSP
  changes are VERY substantial; the servlet ones much less so.  A bunch
  of this stuff has been implemented already, but is certainly in need
  of bugfixes and other sorts of improvements.

* A couple of years history with the Catalina architecture has taught
  us some places where refactoring would be appropriate to create more
  maintainable and flexible code (as well as some spots where performance
  can still be improved, although the current 4.1 code is much better
  than earlier iterations).

>  I
> am trying to decide what list to jump into and learn and get started on
> helping out in the Open Source community a bit.

That would be super!  Guidelines for getting involved in Jakarta based
projects are outlined on the web site, starting at:


For Tomcat, the obvious place to get involved is on the TOMCAT-DEV mailing
list.  The not-so-obvious but also useful place is the COMMONS-DEV list --
a bunch of these pacakges are used in Tomcat already, and it's quite
likely that some current Tomcat code will be refactored out into general
purpose commons projects.


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