It is not requried to close ResultSets, Statements, etc if you close the 
connection. (I think) The spec says if you close a connection - all 
associated resources for that connection will also be closed.

If you are using a pool - the pool manager *should* be obeying this 
principal too.

Michael Nicholson wrote:
> Well, I guess the subject line says it all.  I'm having memory issues, and having 
>read the OOM error messages on the list, I've checked and found some open and not 
>being closed connections, so I'm going back and closing them all.  The question is do 
>I need to explicitly close/dereference (set to null) all statements and recordsets 
>too?  Right now the system takes about 4% of my available memory just for the beans 
>in question, so I'm trying to minimize what I store so that I could conceptually have 
>more than one user.  
> Thanks in advance,
> Mike Nicholson

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