Subject: Re: PropertyResourceBundle problems
From: "Randy Secrist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Still at it.  getRepositories() won't help a bit since (like you said) that
class loader doesn't keep track of the class path over the scope it presides

My key question
May I assume that if I can load a class from this JAR, and the
ResourceBundle is in the same JAR - shouldn't I be able to get to it as
If not - why would that be the case?  Nonetheless - I've pulled it out of
the JAR and into a */classes dir with no difference...

I've read the docs, fought the fight - I'm going to bed.  I'll try to
provide a little more information below on every element pertaining to the
web app - and maybe I'll get lucky tomorrow.  :)  I just can't think of what
it was I may have done different than those millions of people out there.
These are the worst because you know it is something SO small.  That is why
I wish I could verify this somehow.

Here is what I have.
I have a .jar file with this structure:

META-INF (dir)
com (dir - all my classes / servlets)
SystemConfig (my properties file)

Thats it for the .jar.  It has resided all over my catalina.home directory -
any any WEB-INF/lib or WEB-INF/classes I can find.
(WEB-INF) should be upper case correct?  I have it as upper case at the

Tomcat version 4.0.4.
Running out of the ROOT context within a multiple host / context
environment - using a JNDIRealm.
reloadable is set to false - however I restart the server after each new
attempt.  (old habits die hard)

My Servlet:
makes this call in it's init method: (as a singleton)
webProps = WebProperties.getInstance();

which in WebProperties singleton constructor calls:
  try {
   props = (PropertyResourceBundle)
   System.out.println("WebProperties - Load Success!");
  catch (java.lang.Throwable e) {
   System.err.println("WebProperties - Load Failure!");
   throw new ResourceFailure(e);

The exception is ALWAYS thrown on the getBundle call.
resulting in java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base
name SystemConfig, locale en_US

Anywho - thanks for your patience.


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