
  I can't get Tomcat "examples" display on Apache. 
The following is a list of all I did and what I got.

  Please, please help.  Many thanks!

Guoben Li

1. Apache 1.3.26; Tomcat 4.0.4 on the same Solaris host
   http://myserver:8080/examples works well;

2. successfully compiled mod_webapp.so from 
   jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.0.4-src and copied to libexec/.;

3. in httpd.conf, added:
   LoadModule webapp_module libexec/mod_webapp.so
   AddModule mod_webapp.c

   WebAppConnection conn warp localhost:8008
   WebAppDeploy examples conn /examples/
   WebAppInfo /webapp-info
   bin/apachectl configtest had [warn] "mod_webapp.c is already added" but
   "Syntax OK";

4. in server.xml, the only place changed was 'name=':
   <Engine className="org.apache. ..."
    name="myserver.domain.com" debug="0">

5. started tomcat with bin/startup.sh then restarted apache

   http://myserver/examples "The page cannot be found"

   http://myserver/examples/ "The page cannot be displayed"

   http://myserver/webapp-info/ however displays Host and Connections info:

      Host myserver.domain.com:80 
        Application Name "examples"
        Root URL Path "/examples/"
        Connection "conn"

        Connection Name "conn"
        Connection parameters "localhost:8008"
        Provider "warp"
        Configuration Details "Host: localhost Port:8008 Address: Socket 
Count: 1 Server ID: -653512835" 

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