CN is actually taken as the web server's name on which the site is running.
This is kind of a check that the certificate is coming from the same server
on which the site is running, because if it is coming from another server
then it could be fraud.


-----Original Message-----
From: randie ursal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 08:53
To: A mailing list for discussion about Sun Microsystem's Java Servlet
API Technology.
Cc: Tomcat Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: SSL in Tomcat


sorry for this off the list topic but i really need some

  when i created my self-signed certificate using keytool to make SSL
  available in Tomcat i specify in my certificate information
     keytool -genkey -dname "CN=Mark Smith, OU=JavaSoft, O=Sun, L=Cupertino,

             S=California, C=US" -alias mark

  but when i access my webserver both through browser and java application
  by using "https://carnelian:8443/testApp"; 
  i got and exception which says that HTTPS hostname is wrong or certificate

  is not the same as site name. 

  so i change the "CN" key equal to my hostname (ex."Carnelian"), now it
  works...why is this?

  keytool docs says that "CN" could be any valid full name...just like the 
  example above when i use "Mark Smith".

  is there a way i can specify the certificate information using the full
  name instead of the web server hostname?....and access it using https
  without getting an exception.

  i'm using Apache Tomcat 4.0, JSSE1.0.3, JDK1.3.1

thanks in advance


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