
I have a problem that is probably silly if you know tomcat well…

I have configured tomcat to load a context (eBMF). In order to avoid loading
the servlet twice I have set the ‘appBase’ in the server.xml file to an
empty string and I have placed the applet related stuff in a directory at
the same level as the default ‘webapps’, but called eBMF. This directory now
has /WEB-INF/classes and /WEB-INF/lib in it.

The servlet code itself resides in server.jar and is placed in
eBMF/WEB-INF/lib. I am using an HTML page with an embedded <object> tag to
load the applet (packaged in applet.jar) that will interact with the
servlet. Both applet and servlet use stuff in a third jar, library.jar.

My serlvet context is started by tomcat without problems as long as
server.jar and library.jar are in eBMF/WEB-INF/lib, as expected…
In order to run the applet I however must place the applet.jar and
library.jar in the eBMF directory and use the following parameter on the
<object> tag ‘<PARAM NAME = "ARCHIVE" VALUE = "applet.jar, library.jar">.

I would for obvious reasons like to keep all my jars in eBMF/WEB-INF/lib,
for one to avoid having multiple copies of the same jar file under the
directory structure. The browser is unable to gain access to applet.jar if
it is moved from the context base, eBMF to eBMF/WEB-INF/lib, regardless of
the way I sepecify the archive parameter in the html page, e.g. I tried
‘<PARAM NAME = "ARCHIVE" VALUE = "WEB-INF/lib/applet.jar,
WEB-INF/lib/library.jar">’. But it won’t work!

Is there some configuration issue I am missing here? Obviously Tomcat will
ensure the proper context to the servlet base, which is eBMF, but why can
files NOT be accessed in directories under it?

Michael Petres
InnovObjX Corp.
Web: www.innovobjx.com
Tel: 905-729-2235 x3
Fax: 905-729-2235

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