
I'm looking for a hosting service in USA right now. 
What would you recomend ?

The applications use :
- two virtual hosts (private/public), 
- tomcat 4.04 ( has been tested in tomcat 4.1.10),
- MySQL database (or Oracle, MSSQL, DB2 (have been tested)), 
- features of using web.xml configurations (for initialize on startup, 
servlet-mappings, etc).

The applications can be deployed as war/ear or folders over ftp. We need access to be 
able to start/stop the applications or tomcat-service.
Preferably we would like to be able to run asp too, so that really means that the 
server needs to run IIS and win2k server (not unix).
Preferably we would like to have dedicated JVM, or tomcat instance.

please recomend something you have tried or tested your self, I've found probably 100 
different ISP that provide some kind of Java, some obviously dont fit, others may, yet 
others we might change our apps to work with,  but I dont have time to sign up and try 
em all out.... :)

thank you

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