
My solution was to bypass it all together.  I wanted to use that realm in order to 
enable single sign on for multiple webapps.  After a week of struggling with problems 
exactly like you described, I finally gave up.  After thinking for a few minutes I 
guessed (correctly) that single sign on after authentication can be accomplished 
easily by setting a cookie (which is what the catalina code does) since a cookie can 
easily survive between calls to different webapps.  I had already had code in my 
servlet and jsp pages to check for a "logged In" object in the users session.  I just 
modified it slightly to check for the cookie as well.  It works great and I don't have 
any of the issues of redirecting to pages that come with using the form based 


-----Original Message-----
From: Maxime Colas des Francs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 8:43 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: HTTP 404 on j_security_check


 I use a Form based authentification in web.xml :
 <realm-name>Authentication Area</realm-name>

in login.jsp :
<form method="GET" action="j_security_check">
<input type="text" name="j_username">
<input type="password" name="j_password">

authentification works great but after, if i click on the "Back"  button of
my browser to go back on the login page
and i try the authentification again, Tomcat launch a HTTP 404 error on
 (page refresh don't change anything)

in access.log (i protect /pages/* and login form is in /login.jsp): - - [10/Sep/2002:11:01:15 -0500] "GET /pages/home.jsp HTTP/1.1"
302 764 - - [10/Sep/2002:11:01:15 -0500] "GET /login.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200
7070 - - [10/Sep/2002:11:01:21 -0500] "GET
/j_security_check?j_username=bob&j_password=bob HTTP/1.1" 302 764 - bob [10/Sep/2002:11:01:23 -0500] "GET /pages/home.jsp HTTP/1.1"
200 5018

here, all is ok , i'm authentified as bob (i think that 302 HTTP return code
is a good thing ? servlet redirection ??)
now i click on back button and attempt to re-authentifiate bob and ... - bob [10/Sep/2002:11:01:29 -0500] "GET
/j_security_check?j_username=bob&j_password=bob HTTP/1.1" 404 734

404 error ...

Do you have a solution ?

Thanks a lot.

(bilingue english/french)

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