Hmm, how did you get a jasper directory under the tomcat root ?
I checked my tomcat installation in Win2K & I didn't see anything like 
Your /common/lib seems to have a lot more than the standard libraries that
shipped with it, I 've got :
            a) activation.jar
            b) jdbc2_0-stdex.jar
            c) jndi.jar
            d) jta-spec1_0_1.jar
            e) mail.jar
            f) naming-common.jar
            g) naming-resource.jar
            h) servlet.jar
            i) tools.jar
            j) tyrex.license
            k) tyrex-
            l) xerces.jar

How did dom.jar , xalan.jar, mysql.jar end up there ?
Generally if you wish to use any other jar(s) you put them in {webapps 
root} /WEB-INF/lib .

Soefara Redzuan wrote:

>>> I'd still like to keep jaxp installed on my machine for other
>>> java applications. This won't affect Tomcat at all, will it ?
>> NO, It should not, I recommend you do not place the jar file in your 
>> classpath. We never know...
> I tried removing the jars from the classpath but it made no
> difference, as we all pretty much expected in any case.
> I'm using Tomcat4.0.x and JDK1.3
> I found that <tomcat_home>/common/lib/crimson.jar also included
> a org.xml.sax library, so I removed crimson.jar.  Still, the
> errors persisted.
> Here is what I have on my system,
> <tomcat_home>/common/lib contains
> ---------------------------------
> activation.jar
> dom.jar
> jaxp-api.jar
> jdbc2_0_stdext.jar
> jndi.jar
> jta.jar
> ldap.jar
> mail.jar
> mysql.jar
> naming-common.jar
> naming-resources.jar
> sax.jar
> servlet.jar
> tools.jar
> tyrex-
> xalan.jar
> xercesImpl.jar
> xsltc.jar
> (none of those seem to have any clashing xml libraries)
> <tomcat_home>/lib contains
> --------------------------
> jasper-runtime.jar
> naming-factory.jar
> But now I think I've found the culprit - Jasper !
> <tomcat_home>/jasper contains
> -----------------------------
> crimson.jar
> jasper-compiler.jar
> jaxp.jar
> who or what is Jasper ? I don't wish to remove something that is
> core to Tomcat functionality, but I think that crimson.jar and
> jaxp.jar may be clashing with xercesImpl.jar and jaxp-api.jar
> in <tomcat_home>/common/lib.
> Does anybody know how I should handle this ?
> I really would just upgrade to the latest version of
> Tomcat and JDK1.4 but my production servers are running
> JDK1.3 and Tomcat 4.0 so I can't take that risk at the moment.
> So many changes, so little time.
> Thank you in advance,
> Soefara.
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