I am working on getting Jmagick to work with Tomcat-4.1 and JDK 1.4.  I
have heard that it is possible but no one can quite describe how so I've
been doing some experimentation with it.

It does work if I use this command to start Tomcat:

# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib java -Djava.endorsed.dirs= -classpath
-Dcatalina.base=/var/tomcat4 -Dcatalina.home=/var/tomcat4
-Djava.io.tmpdir=/var/tomcat4/temp org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap

where of course the .so file is in /usr/local/lib.  So, I have two
questions related to this:

First, why should LD_LIBRARY_PATH be necessary?  I am doing this under
Linux, and I put /usr/local/lib in /etc/ld.conf, and reran ldconfig, so
I shouldn't need to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  But if it is necessary, is
there some way to modify the startup scripts to take care of this, so I
can use them instead of having to start java directly from the command

Second, it does not make sense to me that I have to include the
jmagick.jar in the classpath in the command line.  Tomcat's classloader
has many options and places to put things, but I tried putting the jar
in CATALINA_HOME/lib, CATALINA_HOME/common/lib, and WEB-INF/lib, and it
does not work in any of those cases.  The only way to get jmagick to
work is to add it to the command line classpath.  Is there any other
way, and if not, is there a way to modify the standard startup scripts
so that they include it, so I don't have to run java directly?

Thanks!  After I get this all figured out I'm going to write it up and
post it.  The good news is that Jmagick does definitely work with Tomcat
and JDK 1.4; the bad news is that it's not documented how to do this, so
I'll change that.

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