There are plenty of servlet and JSP examples, with source, in the examples
directory of Tomcat, including a HelloWorld servlet.

Your error message seems self-explanatory to me.  With all due respect, I
must suggest to you again (as others have) that you READ the documentation
available before posting questions to the list.  You cannot just create a
directory and drop a WAR file in it and expect Tomcat to work.  As your
error message says, you need a Context element in server.xml for that file.
Please consult the documentation and server.xml itself for help on how to
setup a Context element (hint: do the same thing as done for the /examples
Context).  Setting up a Context is basic issue #1 in Tomcat configuration,
it's worth learning.  If you configure your Context, and still cannot access
your application, then post back to the list with the error messages you


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Manoj Kithany [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 7:17 PM
> Subject: Apache+Tomcat+JBoss Error (No Context configured)
> Hi Experts,
> Greetings!
> Can you provide me with the Simple HellowWorld JSP/Servlet?
> I want to TEST is my servers are working fine. I am using Apache
> 1.3.26, Tomcat 4.0.4, JBoss 3.0.3
> Also, can you list the "Directory structure" of placing Class 
> files, JSP 
> files, Servlet files, WAR/EAR/JAR files?
> In "httpd.conf" I have following for Apache to know about Tomcat:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> LoadModule jk_module  libexec/
> JkWorkersFile /usr/local/apache1326/conf/
> JKMount /examples/servlet/* ajp13
> JKMount /examples/*.jsp ajp13
> JKMount /uno/* ajp13
> --------------------------------------------------------
> In "" I have following:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> workers.tomcat_home=/jboss/catalina
> workers.java_home=/usr/java130
> ps=/
> worker.list=ajp12, ajp13, ajp14
> worker.ajp13.port=8009
> worker.ajp13.type=ajp13
> --------------------------------------------------------
> I have a simple JSP file "uno.jsp" as follows:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> <%@ page import="java.text.*,java.util.*"%>
> Greetings from Manoj
> --------------------------------------------------------
> I created the WAR/EAR file (uno.ear; uno.war) and put those in
> /jboss/server/default/deploy directory.
> I then start my JBoss (Tomcat)first and then Apache and then 
> point my URL to
> http://IPADDRESS:8080/uno/uno.jsp on which I get following Error:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Apache Tomcat/4.0.3 - HTTP Status 500 - No Context configured 
> to process
> this request
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Do I have to follow the same procedure for Servlets?
> Do you know what this Error is about and how to tackle that.
> Manoj G. Kithany
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