Hi all,

I have a problem with apache + tomcat + ssl

My configuration:

- Webserver Machine (Linux):  apache 1.3.26 + mod_ssl 2.8.10-1.3.26 +
mod_webapps 1.0.1

  (this Machine is in the firewall's Dmz)

- Jsp Engine Machine (Solaris): tomcat 4.0.1

  (this machine is in the trusted network of the firewall)

The firewall has a rule that allows tcp traffic between the two machines on
port 8008 (webapp ponnector)

All worked fine between apache and tomcat until I began to use ssl.

I configured a virtual host with ssl and all worked fine but if I wait a
certain amount of time (at least 12 hours)

then the server seem not to respond any more.

If I restart apache (not tomcat!) all works again.

This did not happen with apache withous ssl.

Yes , it's a strange problem, maybe a timeout of connections...

If someone has any Idea .....it's welcome!

I cannot make an apache restart every morning ...   : )

Thank you in advance

Fabio Marsilio


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