I need to make a web app that will notify and monitor activity to users by
email, and potentially thousands of users (therefor emails). I want to ask for
advice as to how to handle this.

Should the web app generate all the emails? May be use another machine as a mail
server (linux with exim?), but have the web app generate them?

Have the web app just insert all emails to be sent in a database table and have
a separate application monitor the table or have trigers in the db server
(postgresql) that will launc the app (java?) that will send the emails?

As far as JavaMail, i did a small test with the code in the example in tomcat
(EmailServlet), I tried to send 1000 emails to a server of mine, using localhost
as the smtp server, and around the 70th email, the app complained about a nested
error, the localhost could not be contacted, connection refused, etc.  My code
is very simplistic, and I only did a for loop to try to send the same email a
thousand times to the same host. Evidently this doesn't work. I'm very new to
this, so could someone give me some advice on how to send large amounts of
email? Currently using linux (debian woody) with exim.

Advise in all aspects of this email is greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

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