> De: Hoffman, Matt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Enviado el: 25 de septiembre de 2002 5:18

> found it. We recently implemented an SSL accelerator which acts as a
> frontend, transfering de-encrypted SSL communcation to IIS, which then
> transfers it to Tomcat. The only problem is when we use a 

It's a issue with Tomcat ( any version if i recall well ), tomcat does a
redirection to the welcome pages, and your acelerator is sending the req
uest to tc and iis withoput the correct scheme, when tomcat trie to do a
redirect for the welcome page i does not have any way to get to know
that the redirection   should be with https instead of http.. 

a Solution could be to use a static page for welcome file served
directly from IIs not tomcat, IIS doesnot redirect for welcome files,
does the equivalent to a jsp:forward..

In anycase with your setup, you couldnt do any redirect from tomcat nor
from IIS.. 

Saludos ,
Ignacio J. Ortega

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